Can you believe I made it
Over the Hill October 5th? Where did the time go? Well I must say it looks a lot better on this side of the hill! My oldest left for the Marines last month and is now realizing the depth of parental guidance and sheltering (smile). One down and three more to!
2.5 Years Locked
Fortunately, I managed to make it over the hill without any traces of gray hair! What you will notice, however, is that I dyed my hair back to its original dark brown color. You can see the light brown color in the pic on the left. My hair almost looks black in the pic on the right. It was quite a shock when I first did it. I looked so pale, but in time, I've managed to appreciate why God blessed me with my dark brown hair color.
Since I last posted, I've experimented with various styles. I even curled my hair with a hot curling iron! I suppose I was missing the relaxed hair for a bit--crazy, huh? My hair looked flat and stringy....needless to say, I didn't like the look and I have no plans to abuse my hair again. In the end it only helped to solidify my reasoning for continuing on my natural hair and locking journey! In the meanwhile, I'm content with roller setting my hair. At night I'm still sleeping in my lock scrunchie (i.e., lock sock) from . I think I have one in every color and pattern (smile).
17 yr old son with hair blown out!
Oh, almost forgot. My second oldest son pictured above is now locked! Woo Hoo! He's a football player, and mom was tired of cornrolling every 2 weeks (smile)! So, when I went for my last retightening I asked Elaine to start traditional locks on his hair. This is our second attempt at locking his hair. A few years ago we tried with the palm rolling method, but because he has loose curl pattern like me; it failed to lock in a sufficient amount of time. Elaine started his locks with a "brother-lock" similiar pattern to reduce slippage. He's extremely happy and so am I!!!