Starting A New Journey
It's been close to year since I've last posted. Since that time I've done a lot of soul searching about life (i.e, my career, relationships, and hair). I've finally been accepted to the nursing program at a local community college and I will be leaving my employer after nearly 11 years. It's time for me to reinvent myself. I haven't been happy, not even content at my job in the past 4 years and I've discovered that instead of waiting for them to change, perhaps it was me who needed to change. So, with that said, this fall I will be walking away from the corporate world.
Additionally, for many of you who have followed my blog, this next piece of news may be earth shattering for some of you. I am ending my Sisterlock journey! Tomorrow, Sunday, June 12, 2011 I will start to the tedious task of taking down my sisterlocks! No, I have not lost my mind, but I have a new desire. I've toyed with ending my journey over this past year. I had hoped that when I cut my locks it would curb the burning desire, but it hasn't. You see, when I started my natural hair journey over 7 years ago, I had the intention of discovering and exploring my natural hair and learning how to take care of my own hair without the dependence on another or on relaxers. I achieved half of what I set out to do. I want to experience natural free, flowing, and loose hair. I've realized that for me, locking my hair, kept me in bondage and it kept me away from rediscovering my true, free flowing hair pattern. Don't get me wrong, I do love Sisterlocks and I've enjoyed this wonderful journey, but I am ready to take off the training wheels and fly!
I do realize that the task I'm taking on is tremendous and it may take me possibly months to accomplish, but nonetheless, I will accomplish it! It is my goal to have my locks freed by my birthday in October. I hope I will be able to take at least 5 locks out a day; at least 5 days a week. I hope to be able to document this new journey as I have done with this one. Stay tuned..