4 Years and 7 months later; I finally decided to take the SL Retightening class in Irving, TX. Due to unforeseen economic reasons, I could not take the consultant class as originally planned, so I opted for the alternative. Needless to say, besides the trainers, I was the oldest one...not chronologically; but in terms of my SL Rebirth. Many of the ladies wondered why I waited so long to take the class, and others looked at my locs with astonishment and eyes full of hope for their baby locs. The class was taught by Master Trainer, Ms. Michelle Bryant. Unfortunately, I could not practice much on my own hair because I recently had it retightened. However, I was still able to grasp the concept of the technique. Let's just say, I have a renewed respect and appreciation for my consultant! While the technique is not difficult to learn, at this point in time; I do not foresee me taking on the project of retightening my entire head and potentially jeopardizing the integrity of all the work my consultant has done thus far. This is largely due to the density of my hair. Thus, I will continue to drive to Dallas for my retightenings.